Face PRP

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Dubai

Platelet-Rich Plasma consists of plasma & Platelets, PRP is a blood that contains more platelets than normal which can be achieved through centrifugal processes.
Platelet rich plasma treatment or PRP treatment or vampire facial is a organic process of injecting your own blood into your skin.
In a PRP treatment, a sample of your blood is taken. The sample is placed in a machine which separates PRP from the less rich components of the blood – like red blood cells. The PRP is then extracted and injected into the skin accross your face, which then stimulates collagen & elastomers levels, new generation of cell growth and tissue repair.

Pre treatment instructions:

  • Do not take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) atleast 5 days before treatment. These substances impair platelet function in the normal clotting process and thus promote bleeding and bruising. You may take acetaminophen (Panadol)
  • Eat a light meal and be well hydrated as this treatment does require us to draw some blood.
  • Do not wear makeup the day of treatment
  • Most patients can resume normal activities after this treatment

Post treatment instructions:

  • Do not expose yourself to long periods in the sun for 2- 3 days
  • Do not use a sauna, hot tub or Jacuzzi or go swimming for 2-3 days
  • Do not expose yourself to extreme hot or cold temperatures or to large swings in temperature for 2-3 days
  • No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post treatment

Benefits of using PRP:

  • Tissue regeneration and rejuvenation
  • Induction of cell differentiation, For new baby cells.
  • Extracellular matrix formation for stronger collagen synthesis.
  • Recruitment of other cells to the site of injury.
  • And an increase in collagen production, which can increase skin thickness and overall skin health.
  • Increases Hyaluronic acid production on skin for intense hydration
  • Repair broken blood vessels. Let’s fix those broken babies!!!
  • Treats deep acne scars.

Ideal Candidate:

  • Any patients who are not on blood thinners or pregnancy or any blood disorders are ideal candidates. Patients who have mild to moderate aging signs or deep acne scars can be benifted from this treatment.


It completely depends on patients and concerns however It requires minimum 3 sessions to see satisfactory results.

We apply numbing cream prior to treatment to deliver pain free treatment.

PRP is extracted from your own blood so it’s extremely safe when done under experienced professionals.

You can start seeing PRP results from within a week from 1st session.